SunTrail Florida Logo

The Collier to Polk Regional Trail Master Plan [link directly to Master Plan PDF] defines the initial vision for a connected multi-use trail through Collier, Hendry, Glades, Highlands, Hardee, and Polk counties. The Master Plan is organized under the following topics:  

  • Introduction 
  • Why a Regional Trail? 
  • The Trail Experience 
  • The Region 
  • Engagement 
  • Planning the Trail 
  • The Path Forward 

Provide Visual Story to Illustrate the Possibilities

Define Recommendations for Clear Path Forward

Set Stage for Future Project Development

Collier to Polk Trail Map

Helpful mapping tips.

Use the tools at the top right of the map frame to change basemaps, toggle layers on/off, and make measurements in the map. 


Use the bookmarks to the right of the map to explore each county.
